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Orders Tab

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The Orders tab is broken down into three sections: order grid, order entry, and market display.


tog_minusUnderstanding the order grid section

Order Grid


The order grid displays detailed information regarding the current day's orders. The grid is also active in that you can modify an order directly in it. The active order's State cell will be color coded for ease of use.




1.You can modify the quantity and/or price of an order by double left clicking your mouse in either the Qty, Limit or Stop value fields of an active order and either pressing the Enter key or clicking in another cell.
2.You can increase the price of an order by one tick by pressing the "+' button. Holding the CTRL key down will modify the order by 5 ticks, ALT key by 10 ticks.
3.You can decrease the price of an order by one tick by pressing on the "-" button. Holding the CTRL key down will modify the order by 5 ticks, ALT key by 10 ticks.
4.You can cancel an order by pressing on the "X" button.


Right Click Menu

Right mouse click within the order grid section to access the right click menu. The following order grid specific features are available:




Cancel Order

Cancels the selected order

Cancel All Orders

Cancels all working orders

Filter Only Active Orders

Displays only active orders

Filter By Account

Filters orders by selected account


Sets grid properties

tog_minusUnderstanding the order entry section

Order Entry

The order entry section allows you to submit orders. The image below shows the order entry section which shows a different background color when a simulation account is selected than a live account.



Submitting Orders

To submit an order:


1.Select the instrument
2.Set the desired order parameters
3.Left mouse click on the Buy or Sell button


Order Parameters


Order Type

Sets the order type


Sets the order quantity

Limit Price

Sets the limit price

Stop Price

Sets the stop price


Sets the time in force


*Sets an OCO (One cancels other) id


Sets the account the order will be submitted to


* OCO is an order property that groups orders together by a common user defined id. If one order in the group is either filled, cancelled or rejected, all orders in the group with the same OCO id will be cancelled.

tog_minusUnderstanding the market display section

Market Display

The market display section shows market data for the currently selected instrument from the order entry section. (See the section above).

